I'm a high school student looking to offer other high school students some pieces of advice I've learned by curating my own art/design portfolio. HEAR ME OUT. One thing I see many people overlook is the importance of crafting a narrative for their portfolio. A lot of people just focus on individual pieces without thinking about how they work together as a whole. But when you submit your portfolio to an admissions officer, they have no idea who you are—they don’t know your story, your values, or your vision. It’s your responsibility to show them not just your talent and potential but also what you stand for, what you’re passionate about, and how you see the world. Think of your portfolio as a window into your high school journey, where you’re guiding them through your growth, your interests, and the indidividual perspective you bring.
#highschool#portfolio#portfoliotips#portfoliodesign#design#artist #sketchbook #fyp