I see everyone else with someone and think that could be me and think im going to do it today but then when it comes down to it im ugly and none wants to date mr and ive ruined my whole life over her and when it comes down to making a move I just crawl up in a ball and wish i wasnt there today i asked my friend if I could hangout I was sad and so i did not go i told him i had family stuff i didnt i sat alone in mr room and cried thinking about what the after life is like and wonder the things I would change if I go back I never talked to grils becuase the first time I ever tried to get into any of that stuff I left flowers a card and ballons on her front door step she said thanks and made fun of me up until this day im a good person just none sees it idk what is wrong with me idk why im wroting this theres just a hole inside of me that idk how to fill and I really thought she was the one and i real thiught she liked me back but no turns out she didnt and now im alone i told everyone im going to make a move tonight and now its 1am and nothings happend im to scared to text her when i snap her she doesnt respond i have a had a streak of 170 days with her thats how long i have liked her ans i ruiend everything for her and i just messed up…