It’s THE TRUTH . Be supposedly praising god and then turn around and do the exact opposite of what the scripture ( that was literally inspired by him to guide you ) says and do everything thats wordly and of the flesh 😭Like huh? Read all of Matthew chapters 6-7 and tell me im wrong… this goes for christains atleast cuz that’s the religion i was raised in, i haven’t studied about other religions yet. But im not judging because i don’t follow the scripture to the tea. I dont believe in RELIGION, i believe in god. I believe religion is propoganda and it’s meant to make you fear. It literally used to be the goverment system people used to pay for their sins i cant make ts up. Ik this because religion was forced upon me ever since i was born. As a little girl it didnt make sense to me religion didn’t make me LOVE god it made me fear him I just didn’t want me or my family to die. So i read almost the whole bible and realized somebody actually doing what the bible says while preaching it is RARE😭 like rare to the point where too little people would make it to heaven💀 again read matthew chapters 5-7 and tell me im wrong. And yes we’re imperfect and we sin but after realizing the first time, the second time becomes a choice, not just a sin but a sin with intention. For anyone reading this i believe that god loves you and he doesn’t judge you ( which is the opposite of what all these religions do THEY JUDGE YOU ) he gave you free will so you choose to do what you want with your life which is why this world is such a fu€ked up place, sadly not everyone has the best intetions and abuse their free will. But he does want whats best for YOU✨ so in my opinion you just have to learn to read between the lines and not take it so literal. Love yourself 💕 But dont be out here preaching something you cant even follow and expect me not to call you a hypocrate the truth hurts🤷🏽♀️