One year later...while the pain is still so present, I've learned some important things on my grief journey. 1) Find support. Our pets can be our biggest support systems, and some people just don't empathize. Find people who understand. 2) Get passionate. Discover a new or rekindle an old passion, something that brings joy and peace. 3) Live life fully. Be present, focused, and attentive. You never know what you might miss worrying about the past/future. Life is both precious AND fleeting. 4) Take pictures and videos. Tons of them. Cherish the small and silly moments, the memories are priceless. 5) Love remains. After a storm, the rainbow appears. Unconditional love and light lives on, and it's forever within and around us
#grief #rainbowbridge #petloss #kingthebipod #overtherainbow #fyp