Happiest Heavenly Birthday to the woman who birthed me. If my mom was here, I’d bake her the most extravagant cake, shower her with love and let her know how much she is appreciated. Losing a parent is never easy, especially losing a parent at a primal age in your life. 12- that’s how many years God allowed her to be my mother. Those 12 years were filled with many camping trips, 6 flags trips, family cook outs and road trips. I know everyone says their mom is the best, but mine really was. Her love was sooo great, that even 19 years, I still talk about her as if she had just passed. I used to believe I couldn’t live this life without her, maybe I just didn’t want to. But here I am, in my 30s- a mom now, to 3 beautiful healthy boys. God really works in mysterious way. I’ve learned to just let go, and let God & always remind myself that everything happens for a reason.
#imy #heavenlybirthday #grief #losingaparentyoung #losingamother #mommasgirlforever