ive been making suits since 2017 and ive always gone to @BigZFabric for my fur minky and scubaknit! their high quality and easy to order from. i always get so excited when i get to order from them. I've always windered if they had an in person store based in cali i can go geek over! #furry#furryfandom#fursuit#fursuitmaker#BigZFabric#fursuitfur#howtomakeafursuit#fur#minky
heyyy! big news for Mojaves Maws and Paws and i want to bring you guys along! go follow my fb shown in the video and join the live today. im sooo sorry for the hiatus life got so crazy but now we are diving heads first full speed into this buisness and i want all of you to come with me! #furry#furryfandom#fursuitmaker#fursuitlivestream#fursuitmaking#fursuitmakinglivestream#fursuit
Shaker Keychain Design by Mojave's Maws and Paws!
Protogen progress! We have worked out our 8 by 32 led flexible panels and how to program them any way we want! We're also excited to make the entire software into an app in the near future, making it compleatly user friendly even a dumb dog could operate our premade protogen heads! Make sure to give our page a follow to get news when our protogen updates, premades, and commissions go live! #furry#furryfandom#protogen#protogenfursuit#protogenwip#fursuitmaker#fursuit#fursuitwip#furryprogrammer
Rex the Utah Raptor needed some fixes in his mouth. i painted the jaw set and set it with mod pdge but it didnt come out how i liked so i picked everything off and redid it! follow my facebook to see everything right away and stay up to date on all out furry projects! https://www.facebook.com/share/3ivF6jucmnLATGZu/?mibextid=qi2Omg #furry#furryfandom#fursuit#fursuitmaker#fursuithead#fursuitwip#raptorfursuit