
Colby’s Crew Rescue

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@ohkaytacos is a vibrant food influencer known for her mouthwatering, over-the-top taco creations! She showcases delicious recipes, restaurant reviews, and fun, colorful content, making your feed crave tacos. Get ready for cheesy goodness and a whole lot of flavor!
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A post by @ohkaytacos on TikTok caption: STERLING 💕 There’s something so magical about a rescue horse discovering the love she has always deserved for the very first time. Watching Sterling open up to Ally has been one of the most beautiful experiences in this rescue journey yet. No she wasn’t as abused and dangerous as Colby, nor was she as overworked as Big John… it’s like she was closed off, locked up deep within herself, numb to everything going around her. And now I see her eyes brightening, excitement coming into them when she sees her people, her food, her stall. And I’m realizing this is the first time (in a long time or maybe ever) she’s had all of the above at the same time. I can see her unfolding into this beautiful mosaic reflective of all the love poured into her. So many people have reached out saying Sterling has inspired them in one way or another. Imagine that? Our little rescue horse inspiring hearts across the nation. Rescue is hard and difficult work, and I could tell it was slowly draining Ally, but Sterling has brought back everything she loves and is passionate about right back for her. The noise of the haters and the losses — Sterlings made it all go quiet. She’s filled Ally up with something no one could ever take away. And I’ll always be grateful for that to Sterling. And she’ll always have a place in CCR because of all she’s given to us already. We love you, Sterling. Keep fighting. Follow us here for more horse rescue videos. #colbyscrew #ohkaytacos #horserescue
STERLING 💕 There’s something so magical about a rescue horse discovering the love she has always deserved for the very first time. Watching Sterling open up to Ally has been one of the most beautiful experiences in this rescue journey yet. No she wasn’t as abused and dangerous as Colby, nor was she as overworked as Big John… it’s like she was closed off, locked up deep within herself, numb to everything going around her. And now I see her eyes brightening, excitement coming into them when she sees her people, her food, her stall. And I’m realizing this is the first time (in a long time or maybe ever) she’s had all of the above at the same time. I can see her unfolding into this beautiful mosaic reflective of all the love poured into her. So many people have reached out saying Sterling has inspired them in one way or another. Imagine that? Our little rescue horse inspiring hearts across the nation. Rescue is hard and difficult work, and I could tell it was slowly draining Ally, but Sterling has brought back everything she loves and is passionate about right back for her. The noise of the haters and the losses — Sterlings made it all go quiet. She’s filled Ally up with something no one could ever take away. And I’ll always be grateful for that to Sterling. And she’ll always have a place in CCR because of all she’s given to us already. We love you, Sterling. Keep fighting. Follow us here for more horse rescue videos. #colbyscrew #ohkaytacos #horserescue
A post by @ohkaytacos on TikTok caption: WATCH THE VIDEO ABOVE… for one of my favorite quotes I’ve heard in a long time. “Life is not measured by time, it’s measured by moments.” There have been a lot of moments with our rescue horse, Sterling. She is just three years old and was very recently rescued from the slaughter / auction pipeline. We’ve had big moments, scary ones, happy ones, and a lot of general excitement… but most of them have been small little moments. Maybe you’d miss them if you didn’t pay close attention. Small little moments like Sterling burying her nose in her hay and inhaling it with gusto for the first time. The way my heart leapt with joy. Small little moments like when she discovered Scratchies with Ally. The way we all cheered happily like we might for a toddler taking her first steps— and the expression on Sterling’s face, you can see it there at the end of the video, how delighted she is. We love you, Sterling. So much. I can’t wait for more little moments with you. Keep fighting. We need you here. #colbyscrew #ohkaytacos #horserescue
WATCH THE VIDEO ABOVE… for one of my favorite quotes I’ve heard in a long time. “Life is not measured by time, it’s measured by moments.” There have been a lot of moments with our rescue horse, Sterling. She is just three years old and was very recently rescued from the slaughter / auction pipeline. We’ve had big moments, scary ones, happy ones, and a lot of general excitement… but most of them have been small little moments. Maybe you’d miss them if you didn’t pay close attention. Small little moments like Sterling burying her nose in her hay and inhaling it with gusto for the first time. The way my heart leapt with joy. Small little moments like when she discovered Scratchies with Ally. The way we all cheered happily like we might for a toddler taking her first steps— and the expression on Sterling’s face, you can see it there at the end of the video, how delighted she is. We love you, Sterling. So much. I can’t wait for more little moments with you. Keep fighting. We need you here. #colbyscrew #ohkaytacos #horserescue
A post by @ohkaytacos on TikTok caption: This video is dedicated to all the veterinarians and their staff who work so tirelessly to save their patients, but most especially to our supervet Dr. Carly Mayer who loves and fights as fiercely as the entire CCR team. We could not do this without your incredible dedication. It is a good update for Sterling, the starved horse we recently rescued. Her appetite and energy has doubled, her fever broken, and things are looking positive indeed. We are not out of the woods yet so follow for more Sterling updates right here at Colby’s Crew. #colbyscrew #ohkaytacos #horseresce
This video is dedicated to all the veterinarians and their staff who work so tirelessly to save their patients, but most especially to our supervet Dr. Carly Mayer who loves and fights as fiercely as the entire CCR team. We could not do this without your incredible dedication. It is a good update for Sterling, the starved horse we recently rescued. Her appetite and energy has doubled, her fever broken, and things are looking positive indeed. We are not out of the woods yet so follow for more Sterling updates right here at Colby’s Crew. #colbyscrew #ohkaytacos #horseresce
A post by @ohkaytacos on TikTok caption: This one just about broke my heart to make. Having a horse in this bad of shape means two steps forward and one step back most days. Its so hard for me to see Ally love Sterling so fiercely knowing heartbreak could be so close… we received more test results back indicating Sterling’s immune system is in hyperdrive and is attacking her. We must start her on more intense meds to try and calm it down. Its terrifying and we have been in touch with our local equine hospital hourly, who told us the best thing we could do is begin treatment without any more stress. This would normally be no big deal if she wasn’t so skinny… but side effects and negative outcomes are more real due to her condition. Please, please pray and send good vibes for Sterling. Our vets are monitoring her 24/7 and we are fully prepared to throw her on the trailer to EMC if needed, but for now, we push forward bravely. Please fight, Sterling. We love you so much and understand if you are too tired, but we would really like you to stay. Please keep your comments kind. This horse is more loved than you know and we would do anything possible to save her, but need to listen to the vets on her case. #colbyscrew #ohkaytacos #horseresce
This one just about broke my heart to make. Having a horse in this bad of shape means two steps forward and one step back most days. Its so hard for me to see Ally love Sterling so fiercely knowing heartbreak could be so close… we received more test results back indicating Sterling’s immune system is in hyperdrive and is attacking her. We must start her on more intense meds to try and calm it down. Its terrifying and we have been in touch with our local equine hospital hourly, who told us the best thing we could do is begin treatment without any more stress. This would normally be no big deal if she wasn’t so skinny… but side effects and negative outcomes are more real due to her condition. Please, please pray and send good vibes for Sterling. Our vets are monitoring her 24/7 and we are fully prepared to throw her on the trailer to EMC if needed, but for now, we push forward bravely. Please fight, Sterling. We love you so much and understand if you are too tired, but we would really like you to stay. Please keep your comments kind. This horse is more loved than you know and we would do anything possible to save her, but need to listen to the vets on her case. #colbyscrew #ohkaytacos #horseresce
A post by @ohkaytacos on TikTok caption: Day two for Sterling came to cheers from our entire staff. Sterling is a severely emaciated horse that was dumped at public auction in horrific condition. Her bloodwork indicates her starvation was so severe, it caused organ damage. She is monitored 24/7 by our vets, staff and Ally. We are awaiting tests back to know what caused her sinus infection. She has started to open up and show more of her personality, and she is one the sweetest horses we have ever met. Please send good vibes and cheer Sterling on in the comment section (we read your comments to her) and make sure you are following us for more updates on her condition. Fight Sterling fight! #colbyscrew #ohkaytacos #horseresce
Day two for Sterling came to cheers from our entire staff. Sterling is a severely emaciated horse that was dumped at public auction in horrific condition. Her bloodwork indicates her starvation was so severe, it caused organ damage. She is monitored 24/7 by our vets, staff and Ally. We are awaiting tests back to know what caused her sinus infection. She has started to open up and show more of her personality, and she is one the sweetest horses we have ever met. Please send good vibes and cheer Sterling on in the comment section (we read your comments to her) and make sure you are following us for more updates on her condition. Fight Sterling fight! #colbyscrew #ohkaytacos #horseresce
A post by @ohkaytacos on TikTok caption: Sterling has her veterinary appointment with Dr. Carly Mayer, where she is diagnosed as a 1/9 on the equine body scale and with a severe sinus infection. She has been placed on a refeeding program but her body is very fragile and her prognosis very guarded. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. #colbyscrew #ohkaytacos #horseresce
Sterling has her veterinary appointment with Dr. Carly Mayer, where she is diagnosed as a 1/9 on the equine body scale and with a severe sinus infection. She has been placed on a refeeding program but her body is very fragile and her prognosis very guarded. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. #colbyscrew #ohkaytacos #horseresce
A post by @ohkaytacos on TikTok caption: THE STORY OF THE WORST CASE OF EQUINE NE-GLECT WE HAVE EVER SEEN… Follow us here at Colby’s Crew Rescue to get updates on this young beautiful horses journey. Stay tuned for PART II! #colbyscrew #ohkaytacos #horseresce
THE STORY OF THE WORST CASE OF EQUINE NE-GLECT WE HAVE EVER SEEN… Follow us here at Colby’s Crew Rescue to get updates on this young beautiful horses journey. Stay tuned for PART II! #colbyscrew #ohkaytacos #horseresce
A post by @ohkaytacos on TikTok caption: New characters unlocked: we receive numerous messages from concerned citizens about a little six month old miniature colt with lax tendons selling at a local public auction. With our extremely talented vet and farrier team, there seemed to be only one solution: bring these boys home to Ally. Stay tuned for updates on their vet and farrier exams. #colbyscrew #ohkaytacos
New characters unlocked: we receive numerous messages from concerned citizens about a little six month old miniature colt with lax tendons selling at a local public auction. With our extremely talented vet and farrier team, there seemed to be only one solution: bring these boys home to Ally. Stay tuned for updates on their vet and farrier exams. #colbyscrew #ohkaytacos
A post by @ohkaytacos on TikTok caption: STERLING UPDATE: Sterling is a three year old horse we rescued from extreme neglect and starvation a few short weeks ago. She has battled so many obstacles since she’s been here, but one thing that has kept her going is her relationship with Ally. They have so much love and trust between them. Sterling was unhandled when she arrived, didn’t know how to lead, and was untrusting… Which is totally understandable given the abuse she’s suffered. Ally has worked every single day to earn her trust… And I think she earned more than that— she’s earned Sterling’s love. Watching Sterling close her eyes and let Ally brush her in sensitive places like her legs and belly? Magical. This has been the most beautiful journey. Sterling is battling an unknown illness causing facial swelling and masses. We have sent numerous tests off to the top hospitals in the country. She is negative for strangles on PCR and culture. We don’t know what it is, but we will fight to save our girl. Please keep praying for her. Thank you to Virginia Tech who is working closely beside us so that Sterling does not have to be transported away from her person, Ally. None of these vets will stop fighting. Keep lifting our girl up in prayer and good universe vibes. For more updates, follow us right here! #colbyscrew #ohkaytacos #SterlingStrong
STERLING UPDATE: Sterling is a three year old horse we rescued from extreme neglect and starvation a few short weeks ago. She has battled so many obstacles since she’s been here, but one thing that has kept her going is her relationship with Ally. They have so much love and trust between them. Sterling was unhandled when she arrived, didn’t know how to lead, and was untrusting… Which is totally understandable given the abuse she’s suffered. Ally has worked every single day to earn her trust… And I think she earned more than that— she’s earned Sterling’s love. Watching Sterling close her eyes and let Ally brush her in sensitive places like her legs and belly? Magical. This has been the most beautiful journey. Sterling is battling an unknown illness causing facial swelling and masses. We have sent numerous tests off to the top hospitals in the country. She is negative for strangles on PCR and culture. We don’t know what it is, but we will fight to save our girl. Please keep praying for her. Thank you to Virginia Tech who is working closely beside us so that Sterling does not have to be transported away from her person, Ally. None of these vets will stop fighting. Keep lifting our girl up in prayer and good universe vibes. For more updates, follow us right here! #colbyscrew #ohkaytacos #SterlingStrong
A post by @ohkaytacos on TikTok caption: I spent the last 48 hours sick to my stomach worrying what may be wrong with Sterling, worrying about Ally’s heart if we lose her, and terrified of what is to come… but last night my very wise wife told me we need to live more like Sterling. We need to live in the right now. Wow, that really spoke to me. And I hope it speaks to you. Sterling went from being neglected to the point of criminal ab use to having her own person, a full belly, an on call personal veterinarian and I am positive this is the first time in a long time (if ever) that she has had any of that. Sterling has a family. She has more love than some horses receive in a lifetime. She has millions of people supporting, praying and cheering her on. For Sterling? Its the spectular now. I am going to follow her (and my very wise wife’s) lead. I’m living in the right now. #SterlingStrong #colbyscrew #ohkaytacos #horserescue
I spent the last 48 hours sick to my stomach worrying what may be wrong with Sterling, worrying about Ally’s heart if we lose her, and terrified of what is to come… but last night my very wise wife told me we need to live more like Sterling. We need to live in the right now. Wow, that really spoke to me. And I hope it speaks to you. Sterling went from being neglected to the point of criminal ab use to having her own person, a full belly, an on call personal veterinarian and I am positive this is the first time in a long time (if ever) that she has had any of that. Sterling has a family. She has more love than some horses receive in a lifetime. She has millions of people supporting, praying and cheering her on. For Sterling? Its the spectular now. I am going to follow her (and my very wise wife’s) lead. I’m living in the right now. #SterlingStrong #colbyscrew #ohkaytacos #horserescue
A post by @ohkaytacos on TikTok caption: STERLING UPDATE: and it’s not one I wanted to share. Sterling was deemed strong enough (she came to us completely emaciated) to be sedated for surgery. We did not anticipate that she could do radiographs without sedation (due to her being a largely unhandled 3 year old prior to coming to us) but — and this makes me honestly sob because it was so sweet and so sad at the same time — she would and did if Dr. C was holding her head. She trusts her and Ally so much. She knows they want to help her and she is so careful not to hurt them. It breaks your heart to watch this animal who’s been so tortured be so loving and giving to the people she trusts and loves. She does not have a true sinus infection, instead she has septic suturitis which SHOULD have responded to the powerful antibiotics we used (and somewhat did at first) but they have stopped working. Dr. C hates moving her but the best thing for her is to go to EMC and have a head CT and further diagnostics done. She took a biopsy of the mass and is going to run tests to determine the best antibiotic going forward, but EMC is prepared and ready for Sterling. Ally and Dr. C are the most worried I’ve ever seen them— they love this little grey horse. Just transport alone is alarming and then to add strangers into the mix and a new environment… please pray for our little horse. She needs it. Hospitalizing her is the LAST thing we wanted to do but now it’s necessary and we have to take the risks that come with it. Please Sterling, keep fighting. #SterlingStrong #colbyscrew #ohkaytacos #horserescue
STERLING UPDATE: and it’s not one I wanted to share. Sterling was deemed strong enough (she came to us completely emaciated) to be sedated for surgery. We did not anticipate that she could do radiographs without sedation (due to her being a largely unhandled 3 year old prior to coming to us) but — and this makes me honestly sob because it was so sweet and so sad at the same time — she would and did if Dr. C was holding her head. She trusts her and Ally so much. She knows they want to help her and she is so careful not to hurt them. It breaks your heart to watch this animal who’s been so tortured be so loving and giving to the people she trusts and loves. She does not have a true sinus infection, instead she has septic suturitis which SHOULD have responded to the powerful antibiotics we used (and somewhat did at first) but they have stopped working. Dr. C hates moving her but the best thing for her is to go to EMC and have a head CT and further diagnostics done. She took a biopsy of the mass and is going to run tests to determine the best antibiotic going forward, but EMC is prepared and ready for Sterling. Ally and Dr. C are the most worried I’ve ever seen them— they love this little grey horse. Just transport alone is alarming and then to add strangers into the mix and a new environment… please pray for our little horse. She needs it. Hospitalizing her is the LAST thing we wanted to do but now it’s necessary and we have to take the risks that come with it. Please Sterling, keep fighting. #SterlingStrong #colbyscrew #ohkaytacos #horserescue
A post by @ohkaytacos on TikTok caption: VERY IMPORTANT STERLING UPDATE: The top hospital in the country told us that rehabilitating a horse as starved as Sterling was going to be two steps forward and then one step back. We took a step back with a gas colic due to some high weather fluctuations and Sterling changing from IV antibiotics to oral. We have added some additional ulcer protection (she was already on some), and our vets are monitoring her 24/7. She could use everyone’s prayers and good vibes. She has come way too far to give up now. #colbyscrew #ohkaytacos #horserescue
VERY IMPORTANT STERLING UPDATE: The top hospital in the country told us that rehabilitating a horse as starved as Sterling was going to be two steps forward and then one step back. We took a step back with a gas colic due to some high weather fluctuations and Sterling changing from IV antibiotics to oral. We have added some additional ulcer protection (she was already on some), and our vets are monitoring her 24/7. She could use everyone’s prayers and good vibes. She has come way too far to give up now. #colbyscrew #ohkaytacos #horserescue
A post by @ohkaytacos on TikTok caption: We rescued Sterling just a short time ago from the slaught er auction pipeline and its amazing how far she’s come in such a short time. This sweet girl has really blossomed and I love watching her interact with Ally and everyone around her. We aren’t out the woods yet so please keep sending prayers and good vibes Sterling’s way. Make sure to follow us here for more Sterling updates. #colbyscrew #ohkaytacos #horserescue
We rescued Sterling just a short time ago from the slaught er auction pipeline and its amazing how far she’s come in such a short time. This sweet girl has really blossomed and I love watching her interact with Ally and everyone around her. We aren’t out the woods yet so please keep sending prayers and good vibes Sterling’s way. Make sure to follow us here for more Sterling updates. #colbyscrew #ohkaytacos #horserescue
A post by @ohkaytacos on TikTok caption: INTRODUCING LOKI — a thirty year old off the track thoroughbred who was surrendered to our rescue by a kind lady who purchased him for $200 off craigslist. She knew his rehab was going to be more than she could handle. Loki has zero teeth and therefore his tongue hangs out in the cutest impish way. We love Loki and we hope you want to follow his journey here with us. #colbyscrew #ohkaytacos #horserescue
INTRODUCING LOKI — a thirty year old off the track thoroughbred who was surrendered to our rescue by a kind lady who purchased him for $200 off craigslist. She knew his rehab was going to be more than she could handle. Loki has zero teeth and therefore his tongue hangs out in the cutest impish way. We love Loki and we hope you want to follow his journey here with us. #colbyscrew #ohkaytacos #horserescue

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