SMALL Things Separating You From Elite Footballers 📄✅ We're glad to see that you are actually committed and willing to dedicate your life to becoming a professional. 👍 Here are 10 small things you need to change: 1) Weak Mentality: Do you give up once you lose the ball? Obviously not, but are you furious when you lose the ball? Show up to training/matches with the attitude you will never lose the ball, and if you do, you get that ball back immediately. 2) Visualization: We teach this a lot, but it's for a good reason. Your brain literally can't tell the difference between what you visualize and what you just see. Trick your brain into thinking you're playing really well and succeeding. 3) EGO: Do you have a soft little ego, or are you an egoist? Find a balance and learn to control it to use it in different scenarios. Sometimes you need to go full egoist, and sometimes you can just chill out. 4) Compatibility: Are you easy to coach? Train with? Or even just be around? Compatability is huge, especially once you get older when it really matters. 5) Scanning: Yes, it's important, but it's often forgotten halfway through a game. If you want to make it pro, you must be able to keep it going through the entire game. 6) Healthy Lifestyle: Does your life consist of eating sh*t food, doom scrolling, & and poor sleep? Well probably, now get it together and learn to biohack your life. 7) Healthy Lifestyle: Does your life consist of eating sh*t food, doom scrolling, and poor sleep? Well, probably, now get it together and learn to biohack your life. 8) Training over time: Are you training past your scheduled training? Well, it's critical at a young age, especially if you want to become a pro. 9) Recovery: After your session do you just go home immediately, probably. All it takes is an extra 5-15 minutes to do some recovery training and you setting yourself up for success. (Extra: Recovery boosts performance) 10) Dedication: Are you actually dedicated? Really think about it. Do YOU truly want to make football your future career? If yes, get up and go get sh*t done. If you learned or got anything out of this reply with "⚽"