بقولو انو Flair من اسوء الطيران ب كندا و انا بالنسبة الي كانت التجربة جيدة جدا! السعر كتير ارخص و الفرق بينهن و بين west jet او aircanada انو ما بيعطوكن بسكوتة و قهوة على الطيارة😆 Is flair the worst airline in canada? Well, based on my experience I was extremely satisfied. The seats were nice and spacious, staff are friendly and helpful, and everything was smooth and on time. You will need to keep in mind that you will be paying for bags, meals or water on plane, and airport check- in ( can be done online for free). The only difference between them and aircanada or west jet was the no coffee and pretzels on plane😝 @flairairlines