Look, I’m not a fitness influencer, but a lot of you have been asking about my workout routine, so here’s my take on it. I go by the acronym KISS Keep It Simple, Stupid. I don’t overcomplicate lifting or try to get fancy with workouts. I just stay consistent. Honestly, the most important part is nutrition. For me, that meant cutting back on alcohol, and I’ve been on my sobriety journey for two months now. That alone has made a huge difference. One of my go-to workouts is something I call K2C knees to chest—100 reps a day. Basically, one right knee = one rep, one left knee = one rep, and a push-up in between. When I started, I had to break them down into sets of five and time myself. Over time, I built up to more reps without stopping. So that’s my take on fitness simple, effective, and built to keep me ready. As a firefighter, I don’t train to look good, I train to stay ready. Look out for more content, but don’t expect anything crazy. Just showing y’all how I live and how I keep myself in shape for the job.
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