the smartest AI Influencer discovery system ever created

April 2024

the TDLR

Kyra’s Perfect Match is here to transform your creator search process, giving you access to 700 million creators and billions of videos, all while using natural language and AI vision to scan the content for you. The future of creator discovery is here.

powered by AI & computer vision

Perfect Match analyzes every frame and every word of creators’ content, so we truly understand the creators and content that’s out there – providing better matches for your campaigns. Here’s how it works.

Video Placeholder

700 million creators

Are included within our proprietary database and analyzed on a daily basis.

1 billion videos

Are absorbed into the Perfect Match tool, analyzing full Audio transcripts and Video elements of our 700 million creators.

context framing

Perfect Match goes a step further, understanding the context of what’s in a video to better understand who a creator is and the type of content they create.

the results?

Perfect creator matches instantaneously

results in seconds

Perfect Match spits out immediate search returns with highest-matched creators topping the list for you

high-quality matches

Delivering results based on video content and captions, a step above the old school tagging methods

based on trusted data sources

As a result, providing creator data inclusive of creators’ video history, their ad posts, their audience demos, their posting cadence, and more

the next game-changer for the creator economy

here's four reasons why Perfect Match will transform creator searching for the entire industry


Creator discovery is the foundation of a great Influencer Campaign. Perfect Match is going to reduce the time taken to source, vet, and curate creators by upwards of 95%. Time saved = money saved.


expanded search

Previous tagging systems are outdated and inaccurate. Everyone else is using the old-school methods while we’re stepping into the future. The new age is inclusive of AI that scans audio and video content, allowing us to generate 100%+ more search results and more real-time results.


data enrichment

Perfect Match can now determine data results that were previously thought to be ‘not possible,’ including a creator’s gender, age, and city. The tool even has the capability to scour for brand safety accurately, so brands know they’re working with only trusted creators.



Want to know when creators are talking about you? Perfect Match has you covered. The #1 requested feature from our brand partners is now available, as our system auto-tracks when your brand and/or products are mentioned or shown in a video, allowing us to surface the results every time your brand is in the conversation on social.