Bet on yourself🤞🏽 I revamped my 1:1 booking page 14 days ago and can already tell the new sessions allow me to serve you guys 10X better. Within 3 days of relaunching, I had two beautiful souls make the Total Life Transformation investment. Like I stated in the video, I was confident that people would be willing to make the investment into a session that goes beyond “advice” and “guidence” since that is the kind of call that seemed to be percieved lol Now.. Imagine having me in your pocket for 30 days. We get to email, have weekly calls, and can tackle any area of your life that you want to change. This is NOT just spiritual lol like we are not “pimpin out the Lord” PLEASE. 🔒Are you on a weight loss journey? Or have any physical goals? - Health and wellness was my first love and was my original content. I became a whole PT post college. 🔒Having mental health issues? - I went to school for forensic psychology, I studied psychopaths. I know the deepest darkest parts of our brain and how deeply rooted trauma effects us. 🔒 Need help with social media/ your purpose/ career? - Of course I know all the tips and tricks. When I was in corporate America I was doing client services. Quite literally helping clients do better businesses. 🔒Want to get back to you because you’re struggling with ID crisis? - I’m a single mom who can speak to postpartum, losing my ID, rebuilding, finding myself. On a spiritual level, can speak to the ID shift when you give your life to Christ. This is about real change. I’m capable of giving you whatever key you need. Workout/ nutrition plan? Social media planning? A routine for you ADHD? A Bible study plan? Deep healing? The list is endless. I can create a blueprint for you that would change how you do life without leaving God out. AMEN. I touch on all of this in the booking page but listen, I’m here for you. So rather I’m serving you for free, or through a booking, you can be positively impacted. Between my professional experience, real life experience, education, and transparency, it’s something for everyone. Now the type of service you’d like, that’s up to you. And don’t forget, You’re worth what you think you are!