srsly that was it. even before covid i started to get homeschooled around that time. i lost a lot of friends since middle schoolers dont really gaf about ppl they are not seeing everyday anymore. no hate to them i would probably do the same if i was them lolol. but i was pretty lonely and to fill the time i cosplayed. every. single. day. craziness!! at that time i would even be guling down my eyebrows. i cant even imagine doing that every day now. i totally just rock my natural thick eyebrows now 💪 i dont know if i will ever revist my older cosplays. maybe one day if i feel it would be fun, but as of right now im okay letting it be what it is. if you found joy or whatever else in 13-15yr old me cosplays im so happy you did :) little me would be bouncing off the walls if she knew ppl still loved her cosplays to this day everyone wants to go back to 2020 right now and i know of course its for fun and nostalgia but im sure its also coming from a fear of growing up. its scary but we are growing. at least we are not stuck inside anymore :)