Watch Me… If you’re telling yourself you don’t have time for the gym because you can’t spare two hours, this is your reminder that you don’t need to Yes, your schedule might be tighter than others, but it’s about working with your time and making your workouts as efficient as possible Set a timer for your rest periods, make supersets and drop sets your best friend, and most importantly, no yapping! Get locked in, and smash this leg workout out in under half an hour: ⭐️3x Super Set: Squats 6 reps into sissy squats AMRAP ⭐️RDLs 3x8-10 reps ⭐️3x Super Set: B-Stance hip thrusts 6 reps into paused hip thrusts AMRAP Everyone’s fitness journey is unique because it should be tailored to your goals and, most importantly, your lifestyle. The key is finding workouts that align with your schedule and that you can stick to consistently. Because the goal is sustainability instead of burning yourself out one week, and doing nothing the next @Gymshark dc ‘ABBIE10’ | ad