One of many success today. Access was gained to the region, valuable connections and coordination with local community leaders and organizations in the area were made, preventative measures taken for a homeowner in hopes of saving everything they’ve worked for their whole life for. Loss is loss regardless of how much money you have and how successful you’ve been in your life or how much media coverage your specific disaster gets. It’s still loosing everything. The mission @Savage Freedoms Relief Ops is to restore hope, save lives and protect/ mitigate the loss of homes and livelihoods as safely as possible and then assisting in the recovery process. At this point with the uncertainty of the winds, evacuations were handled at the individual level and the need for mass evacuations were not present. We are on high alert and remain ready to stand in the void for the residents of California as we continue to access the fires progress and the Santa Ana winds. The destruction here is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. It is so devastating.