Theres no hiding the fact that the car scene has become increasingly and incredibly toxic over the last decade. So i wanted to touch base on something that ive noticed. Seems like the new thing to do is go out, get a big loan, buy a bmw or some flashy newer car and do the bare minimum. Just because your car is in better condition, has more power, more options, luxury or is a different style does NOT mean your car is better than the other guys. Some people CHOOSE to build and old car. Just because you feel the need to make yourself feel better becuase you are in debt for a car you cant even fix on your own doesnt mean you should bring negativity to the table. Learn to have some respect for those who dont just turn 4 bolts and call it a build. I see a lot of people owning these newer euro cars, bolting on the same grill and wheels as everyone else and thinking they are the top boss. No. Hve some originality and your own style. Stop copying what everyone else is doing. We are equal human beings. We are all one. Respect eachother, respect your fellow police (even if they dont respect you) and do not bashtalk someones car when its not even close to being done. I am not saying “respect all builds” and that garbage, im saying to learn to understand eachother as a community. Theres a big difference between a build and just throwing wheels and coilovers on. Appreciate the time people put into their cars. Stop spreading toxicity and be better. Thank you