It’s now 19 minutes past 1 in the morning and I’m sitting here listening to this calming music coming from romes night light and I’m just watching them both sleep and I’m thinking about my life and everything that’s led me here and I’m so lucky to have what I have now, I’m not talking about money or material things that crap comes and goes and isn’t at all important. I’m talking about my partner and our son in this very moment and it’s moments like these when we truly appreciate what we have and all my worries just fall away. These are the kind of moments when we stop and truly reflect on life and they don’t come around very often but when they do it’s beautiful man. These are the moments in life I live for because without moments like these what would be the point? 3 years ago I prayed to god and begged him for what I have now and my prayers were answered. I’m truly blessed. I love you both immeasurably, thank you for saving me. 🤍