On February 15th, 2019 - 1 began my clean and sober journey. Since then, life has opened up to me in ways that I once could only dream of. I don't drink, snort, pop, shoot, or smoke. Does it get boring? Of course it does. Does it get lonely? Of course it does. But, l'm grateful to be able to feel bored. I'm grateful that I get to feel lonely. I'm grateful that I have no choice but to feel and embrace each and every emotion my flesh is heir to - both favorable and unfavorable. Sobriety has reintroduced me to myself. Sobriety has reintroduced me to the very parts of me l used to drink, smoke, sniff, and pop to hide from. The parts of me I refused to encounter and embrace. Today, I embrace them all. Looking at this post.. I don't even think the Cain in pictures after 1 would even recognize the Cain in picture 1. I like that.
#sobriety #fruitforthought