ژنانییی 😂 ⬇️ENGLISH EXPLANATION⬇️ In this video, three guys are having a snowball fight when I walk by. One of them invites me to join, but I aggressively refuse, saying I'm not a child. He playfully holds up a snowball and calls my name again, and I angrily challenge him, “Go ahead, if you’re a man, throw it!” He hesitates, looking sad. As I turn to leave, a giant snowball suddenly slams into my face. Furious, I yell, “WHO DID THAT?!” The guys stand there, frozen in shock, when the camera pans to reveal a girl confidently saying, “It was me.” My angry expression melts into a smile. “Was that you?” I ask. She nods, and I reply, “Wow, great job! Nice throw!” I then happily start playing with her. The video ends with the two guys shaking their heads, muttering in Kurdish, “Zhnani” (he gives women special treatment) and “Munarm” (soft hair, aka simp). Starring: Beau Jacob Bryce Mara 📸: dllakam <3