5 things you need to prioritize to see results. 1. Intensity- you have to push yourself. Going through the motions won’t get you anywhere. This doesn’t mean you have to push as much weight as possible each time you’re in the gym. It could mean, focusing on mind muscle connection and feeling your muscles work through slow and controlled reps. Train with intention and go hard. Remember, proper form should always be priority. 2. Variety- it’s easy to stick to the exercises/muscle groups you feel most comfortable with.. but doing this sometimes leaves muscles out. Make sure you are training every muscle and in all planes of motion, (Front/back, side to side, rotational) throughout your week. A solid 4 day split could be.. legs, chest/tris, back/bis, shoulders. Make sure to get cardio and core in your training as well! 3. Consistency- you can’t expect results with no discipline and accountability to stick to a plan. Your body has to have time to adapt and adjust. Progress comes with repetitions and time. 4. Nutrition- your body wants to work for you, but if you are eating a ton of processed foods or not eating enough of the right macros, (protein, carbs, fats) your body will not be able to fuel, heal, and build itself. Cut the junk. Eat whole nutrient dense foods. Remember.. calories count on the weekends too. Food is fuel. Reward meals are okay. But in moderation. Everyday is not moderation. Also, drink your water!!! 5. Recovery- your body can’t progress and benefit without rest. This is where true growth happens. Sleep, stretch, off days, active recovery days.. these are so beneficial! It doesn’t make you lazy to let your body heal. Be patient, trust the process, enjoy the journey. Progress will never be instant.