I have struggled so much to make this post. Last night, at 3 am, we lost our beautiful Khaleesi! The mother of all Doggos. Our beautiful baby girl. She had some form of cancer that came and spread rapidly (we did not know until last night). Yesterday, she woke up with a super swollen face so we called the vet and scheduled an appointment but the earliest they had was for today at 2 pm. Well, at 2 am , we realized that her face had actually doubled in swelling size and she just wasn’t doing well. So my husband took her to the ER, where the doctor confirmed that this was cancer and that all her lymph nodes where immensely swollen. She wasn’t going to make it. Even if they attempted treatment, it would’ve just delayed the inevitable. The infection was too wide spread. So we decided to end her suffering 😩😩😩 This has been one of the hardest days ever. We are all processing and grieving and just feel really crappy right now 😭 she was the best dog one could have. Judah was so lucky to have her for the first 2 years of his life ❤️ and we were lucky to have her from her 4 months, til today 😩please enjoy these beautiful memories in her name and any positive vibes would really help right now 😭😭
#rip #ripkhaleesi #mygirl #bully #americanbully #grief #thissucks #cancersucks #fcancer