Words cannot describe how i’m feeling currently. There are so many things i could tell you about her. - In 2005 i got surprised by my Nan, every little girls dream, that she had bought me the most perfect jet black Miniature Shetland. She was everything I’d ever dreamed of, From my first pony club rally, to bucking me off in a bed of stinging nettles🙈, Being my first mounted games pony and being my best friend and teaching me everything. You are the pony I will owe the whole world to forever. - 20 years on I still have the same unconditional love for your tiny little self, I am truly sorry I couldn’t of been there during your last moments my girl but I promise I thought of you every day, I promise to always make you proud and to never stop mentioning your name. - I can’t remember life before you and my heart feels like there is a piece missing now you’re gone. I truly hope you’re in fields of green, getting as fat as you like, with all the polo’s in the world. - I promise I will make you proud, Sleep well my angel. - Kerswell Natasha 1997-2025. 27 Years Young🕊️