HOW TO MAKE $100K/ YEAR AS A PERSONAL TRAINER AS YOUR OWN BOSS 😎💸🫱🏼🫲🏽 Six years ago when I just started personal training at 24 Hour Fitness Santa Monica, I felt overwhelmed by the statistics of being an intro level personal trainer. 90% of personal trainer quit within their first year of starting, and typically only make around $27,000 a year. But I knew they had to be a way to overcome this and create a career out of my passion. When I first started as a trainer in a corporate gym, I was making $24 an hour, even though I was selling sessions for over double that amount and that always felt unfair to me. After three months of working at this corporate gym, I quit because I knew there had to be more. As an accounting major at Lawyer University, I went straight to the numbers to figure out how I could achieve the elusive income of $100,000 a year as a personal trainer working for myself. I broke down what my weekly averages needed to be, and establish how my weekly statistics of sessions and income compared to that, and made a plan to achieve my dream income. I began to accurately track how much I was making every week as well as the amount of time I spent marketing myself and doing reach out on social media and found the formula to help me achieve my first six figure year as an independent contractor. Years later, I am a gym owner at @smtfhollywood helping both New as well as experience trainers scale their businesses and achieve the income of their dreams. IF YOU ARE TIRED OF HAVING YOUR TIME AND EXPERTISE UNDERVALUED AS A PERSONAL TRAINER ACT ON THAT. DM me “100k” to get more information about how to scale your business and achieve financial freedom here at Self Made Traininfg Facility now!!