What is Baptism like? This is who Jesus is growing me into day by day yet the Victory is already now withing, for the Hope of Glory that is Christ in me. Hallelujah. (I am not perfect but i will be on The Day of The Lord and so will all who truly believe in Lord Jesus the Christ and trun from their wicked ways. I encourage all who gather up people to slander another to know that Jesus has overcome this world and you are not showing the Truth, for as it is written; they use their wickedness to hide the Truth. Forgive them Father as you have forgiven me when i didn’t know what i was doing. You are Holy, Righteous and True, I am in you and you are in me, i pray that all broken hearted no longer hide behind their wickedness to surpress the Truth but have a renewing of their mind by turning to You Lord, who is forever praised and forever faithful even when we all are not. In Jesus’ name, Amen
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