This girl @Kayla has been with me thru thick and thin she seen from my lowest to my highest shes helped me kick my bad habits and made a stronger and better man. She made me believe in myself again and understood me with never judging me i thank god everyday for giving me such a classy beautiful women. I know we both done things to eachother especially me 😂 (no excuses) but its what made us stronger and made us stick by eachother even more. Its you and i against this cold world and i say it again for the people in the back Its you and i against this cold world. When i was lonely you was there, when i wanted to give up you motivated me because you believed in me, when i felt hopeless and not loved you stayed by my side. There’s nothing i can do to re pay you but just know i will never switch on you they hate us bc they aint us 💕 💖