Love yall I have more to post today before things shut down if they do so that you can get the latest on some stories I’ve been tracking. But I deeply love yall and you will never know my appreciation for what you’ve done for me and my family. Wish everyone the best no matter what. #tomatobowl#tears#chaos
Replying to @emellili ELI5: she’s using specific language to back him into a corner #blakelively#justinbaldoni
Replying to @aquariuspd between us the commenter I’m replying to is one of my absolute favorite folks to interact with on here. I hope we find each other on future platforms 💕 #blakelively#justinbaldoni
Court letter asking for gag on Baldoni’s counsel plus two cease and desist letters. #justinbaldoni#blakelively
Lively and Reynolds team request a gag order through the court to stop Baldoni’s lawyer from releasing more footage and making statements they feel cross boundaries. #blakelively#justinbaldoni
I found the fully clip on daily mail. Baldoni releases some behind the scenes footage of the slow dance scene #blakelively#justinbaldoni
Replying to @🪅 @Animal Army scientists who study orca have specifically stated that they do not think this is any indication of lack of food, which they do experience, but rather it’s something they do when they have an abundance. #killerwhale#orca
I see people post all the time that they have to make short videos but my long videos do so well and I think I get higher payout per view so maybe just don’t care at all and post what makes you feel good and you’ll find an audience. 💕#greenscreen
Replying to @Teacher Pay With K here’s what I know and think at this moment. #greenscreen#ban#update
start an influencer
campaign that drives
genuine engagement