2024, the year I was reborn! Let me take you back to where it all started—10 years ago at a “DJing for Beginners” course. I’ll spare you my whole life story, but let’s just say.. I 👏saw👏 the 👏 freaking 👏 light! 👏 I knew then and there this was IT! I dove in headfirst, knowing it’d be a marathon, not a sprint. My early gigs? Let’s just call them, uhm.. "humble beginnings." Empty venues? Check. Playing in smoking areas with burning eyes and a sore throat? Check. A literal toilet area? Also check. All for zero money. But I didn’t care—I was hungry and loved every second! Over time, I climbed the ranks: dropping bootlegs on SoundCloud, making mini vlogs on Facebook, and eventually getting paid to DJ. One day, I hit a point where I could live off music alone. Nothing fancy, but still a huge win! Life was going up! As was my hairline, but that’s another story. I worked my way up to prime-time slots, but there was a problem.. I couldn’t play the music I really wanted to play, because I was tied to the genres of the parties. I was known for spinning “booty-friendly” tunes, but in my free time, I’d binge sets from Tomorrowland, EDC, Ultra, and Bootshaus. I’d built my name in one scene, but my heart was pulling me toward another—a space where I could bring my visions to life. But making that switch while DJing was my sole income? Terrifying. Add a packed schedule, and I felt stuck. Then the pandemic hit. No gigs. No income. I decided it was time for a reset. I moved back in with my parents to save money and rebuild. That’s when I had an idea: if I couldn’t make videos at shows, why not make them about the process before shows? That simple idea became a game-changer. What started small grew into something beyond anything I’d imagined. When the world reopened, I said no to old gigs and went all-in on a fresh start. Fast forward to 2024: I’m back on stage (see attached file 😛)! It felt SO GOOD! And now, the cherry on top: I’m playing at Bootshaus on January 24th—the same Bootshaus I used to dream about. Absolutely insane. To everyone who’s cheered me on: THANK YOU for fueling me on this marathon. Here’s to 2025. The marathon continues. Happy New Year! 🎉