“Human Art” Acrylic on Cardboard, 2024 Man there’s a LOT to talk about with this piece for sure, so I apologize for the wall of text... For starters, it’s easy to tell that I’m NOT a big fan of AI generative art in the slightest. I’ve seen cases made for AI in the art world, but generative AI art is such a slap to the face of the art community in my eyes. So that leads us to this piece. When surfing around Twitter one day, I noticed a lot of buzz going around on DeviantArt’s Twitter page. They listed one particular art piece of the day that was really causing a stir amongst artists on the app. Apparently the artist they picked (whose name I’m not gonna list as this isn’t a hate campaign towards them) used generative AI art from DeviantArt’s own AI generation machine “Dream Up” with imagery depicting a man who is in distress using a machine that generates art with the simple press of a button. I think the image was meant to talk the idea of the faults of using generative AI to make art… all while using generative AI from an art website to create it… The irony was too rich for me to ignore. So whhat did I do about it? I stole the art. Kind of. I basically took the base image and idea, and remade it in my own artwork. Now yes I’ve done this with old art pieces in the past, but I will never claim the original as my own and it’s based on artists work who are long gone. However, this was made using machines, so I’m ok with saying that I’m copying by example and taking the idea and making it into a traditional art piece that was created by human hands. Now the big question on my end… is what I’m doing wrong? Taking an idea from someone who most likely typed some words into a machine to create this image? An image that steals assets from other images found online? Am I any better than the AI? Guess that’s up to the viewer. Let me know in the comments what you think!
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