How much money is in the ENTIRE world? Well, the answer might be more complicated than you think. 💸 There's actually a specific term for “all the money in the world”—it's called M0, which includes all the paper money, coins, and central bank reserves, like assets held by the Federal Reserve.🏦 In 2024, the M0 supply in the US alone was $2.34 trillion. 💰 That's almost 4 times the combined net worth of Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, and Mark Zuckerberg! 😱 But this only covers cash in circulation within the US. When we consider all the money in the world, M0 supply is around $5 trillion. But there's more. 🌎 We also have M1, which includes M0 plus money in savings accounts and travelers checks, and M2, which adds short-term assets like CDs to the mix. So, what happens when we combine all these types of money globally? We get a staggering $82.6 trillion. How much is that, you ask? It would take 45,430 semi-trucks filled with $100 bills to hold it all. 😳