I remember getting pregnant with you @ 16, with no direction at all. All I knew is that I couldn’t fail you. We have been through so much together.. you don’t even understand I’m really the woman I am today because of you! I was just a younging tryna find my way.. Here we are 11 amazing years later & now I got it all figured out and we set princess. Lei’lani, you are my everything. My beginning, my end, my night & day. I go hard because of you. I would do anything for you & stop at nothing!!! Cheers to another trip around the sun kid. And I’m wishing you many many many more birthdays to come! A parents job is never done, it just evolves with time. So know that I got your front & back forever and ever. You will always be my sweet baby. Sb: iykyk, I went through it all for this passport.. told Lani I wasn’t able to get it & just surprised her with a trip to Jamaica. We out twin 🖤 I love you permanently my hearticle.