john 3:16 'for God so loved the world that he gave his one & only Son, thag whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life' Jesus is coming back yall. he loves each & every one of us so much that he died an excruciating, painful death on the cross & suffered with the weight of every single one of our sins just so we could have that relationship w God & not die as soon as we sin. he doesnt care that youve fornicated, murdered, are homosexual, lie, steal, when you come to him. he wants you to turn to him so he can in return fill your life with such joy & peace. when you truly get to know him, the urge to sin will fall away & youll want to imitate him & live like he lives - holy. you will still sin unknowingly on some things due to our human nature but you dont have to willingly live in that life. he has given all of us authority over the enemy to stomp on their heads & overtake the enemy. we have authority to drive demons from out of us yall. the depression you feel, the anxiety, the mental disorders, the physical pain from diseases, God can cure you with his word. & those demons HAVE to leave. we all have such an amazing & merciful God & i pray that those who are lost & those who dont believe will have their chains broken & be freed from their life of misery just like i had my life freed june 31st!