I think it’s important for people who are wanting to do social media to see this. I know it’s very cliché to say but I never thought that that video would do so well. None of my Disney bounding videos or my day in the life at Disneyland videos ever did well before this. And although I admit the beginning of the video sounds very alarming, it was meant to be a joke. It was an inside joke between me and my boyfriend after I had gone into the park and all of this started happening. But I think what I have learned is that people are going to projectct onto you what is most entertaining for them, and as long as you know your intentions, your following rules, and you’re not doing anything that’s hateful, bigoted, or anything of that nature, as long as you follow the rules, you know who you are. And random strangers on the Internet who have never met you aren’t going to be able to take away who you are on the inside. I know this is cheesy and long, and no one‘s probably going to see or read this, but for people who want to do social media, or social media fell into their laps like it did mine, you are amazing, you are wonderful, and just stay courageous and kind.