You can do it too👇 It's a very tough journey, ill tell you that but these 3 shifts is what will take you from zero success to all the success you'll ever want. 1️⃣ Blame Yourself for Everything If you don't have complete and utter self accountability then you'll never progress forward. If you blame it on yourself that means you have control to change it, if it's someone else's fault then you don't have control over it and that's where no change can happen. 2️⃣ Didn't Settle for "Fine" I just hired another personal trainer, my wife's like "why do you need that". Because I want to be the strongest I can, most flexible I can, the most energetic I can. Anyone who settles for "decent" outcomes in life your born to lose. And you'll get crushed in the entrepreneurship space because it's ruthless out here. 3️⃣ Prioritise Relationship over Money I'm talking about in business terms here, alot of you guys think too short term so you chase adding on another client just to increase your monthly revenue. Not realising that you need to build relationship with your team so they work better, your existing clients so they stay longer and all. Business is all about relationships and you'll realise that the only way to having a healthy business is maintaining strong relationships within it. Follow me for more inspo man, let's crush - -
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