I honestly don't know where to even begin 🥹! Being a mother to my first born who has turned 18 feels honestly kinda odd and sereal. Like I can't wrap my mind around how much time has actually passed. I remember so much detail from you being born with my mom right there and all your mile stones up to now. I swear you were just a baby and now your officially an adult but honestly IDC cuz you will be my baby forever and always. I love you Luis Aivles aka Booboo. I have said once and I'll say it again. We all think we know what love is until your looking down at a piece of you look back ❤️. It's like wow I did this.I made a whole Lil human. I'm proud of you son from the bottom of my heart and soul. You are amazing 👏. May this life continue to bless you. May God grace me with the opportunity to be here and watch you live and grow. Just know as long as I am here you will always have someone by your side
#happybirthday #18y #firstborn #proud #emotional