🚨 POLE CLIMB 101 🚨 Y’all are always telling me how you need the BASICS, like entry level, never touched a pole before, so I figured what better move than the pole climb! *so for those of you who have been following my journey, y’all know I’ve been promising tutorials for a while now 😫 I was having a lot of technical issues with the Squarespace membership area so I had to completely scrap that & when doing so I lost all of the tutorials I previously recorded. I’m in the process of re-recording all of my tutorials and will be uploading them on patreon. For those of you who were subscribed to my Squarespace site, I’ve been in contact about this change & appreciate your understanding. But for now, here’s a little tutorial for all of my beginner beginners 💙 stay tuned for the launch of my patreon, I promise it’ll be worth it 🤞🏾 love y’all