Girl, God said You were to live life abundantly and you’re gonna get in the way of that? Let tomorrow be the first day of the rest of your life. You CAN completely change your lifestyle and habits by simply deciding you want better for yourself! You have to believe you weren’t made for just enough and show up Accordingly 💅🏽 1️⃣ BE NICER TO YOURSELF! - You have done the best you could with what you knew up to this point. Beating yourself up is bad for your mental health, decreases your motivation, and discourages you from trying! Be compassionate on the girl you’ve been because she got you here! Don’t beat yourself up, instead give yourself the same grace God gives and ask Him for strength to pursue them! 2️⃣. GET HELP - Girl I have a Mentor and a therapist! 😅One Thing God does is allow us to come to the end of ourselves in order to humble us! We are not meant to do life alone sis! God created us each with gifts to uplift one another! Get a Coach, a Mentor, or a supportive community to help provide you insight and hold you accountable! 💪🏾 PS I offer a mentorship program. Check the link in my bio 😉 3️⃣ Rediscover Your Why- SIS why do you want to start consistently working out? To read more? To start Your business? To Quit the Job You Hate? YOU KNOW YOU’RE MEANT FOR MORE THAN WHERE YOU CURRENTLY ARE! Life is fuller when you are taking care of the good health God gave you, living in Purpose, and Moving towards what God has promised you! Change your mind, you’re thoughts and what you speak and you will change how you show up I’m the world. Admit you are tired of living in less than or just enough and that you finally believe God has more for you! If you are in search of like minded women who can hold you accountable, Join Her Promise Circle! A Faith based women’s wellness community focused on supporting women to improve their overall health, pursue purpose, and grow closer to God in the process! 🌟 join link in bio sis! We would love to have you! ❤️
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