During these heart-wrenching events unfolding in Gaza, Palestine, we are deeply moved by the immense suffering and relentless struggle of the Palestinian people against occupation and oppression. Tragically, mainstream media portrayals have fueled Islamophobia and hostility toward Muslims and Palestinians, igniting misplaced anger and hatred worldwide. We urge you to stand in solidarity with Palestinians, champion justice, and work to end the ongoing humanitarian crisis amounting to a genocide. Your support can truly make a difference through dua, protests, and donations. Together, we must resist ethnic cleansing by raising the Palestinian flag as a powerful symbol of hope and defiance. The devastating bombings and destruction have plunged innocent civilians into a dire situation, depriving them of essentials like food, water, and medical care. As we challenge the misrepresentation in Western media, it’s imperative to extend a helping hand and contribute to organizations actively aiding Palestinians in their dark times. Your involvement can help rebuild lives, mend wounds, and put an end to this tragic chapter in history marked by genocide. Explore donation options with @WorldFoodProgramme & @UNRWA USA
#explore #genocide #falastin #pali