“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet our heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” Matthew 6:26-27 This video captures my last hit of the 2024 season. Something I wasn’t expecting or anyone saw coming, and it felt unfair. I started thinking about the meaning of “unfair”. Breaking my leg before I get to play with my brother again? Seems unfair. Not being able to do what I love while impacting others? Seems unfair. I came to the conclusion that life is unfair in general. Everyone has gone through their fair share of unfairness, it’s inevitable. What i’ve learned through this injury is although life is unfair, God isn’t. God is faithful. If God takes care of the birds in the sky, why would He not take care of you who is made in His image? If God is all-knowing and all-powerful, why doubt what God is doing in our individual lives even if it feels “unfair”. Doubts are created from circumstances of life and our emotions. If we rely on our own understanding of this life, and react with our emotions to circumstances given to us, we lose faith and become doubtful. Doubting in our God who is proven to be faithful points to a lack of faith. Success in life is faithfulness. If this injury would’ve happened to me a year ago, I would’ve been depressed and mad with life. However, since I’ve found faith in Jesus i’ve been able to use this injury as a way to practice my faithfulness. I’ve learned how freeing it is not basing my life on my emotions and the circumstances dealt to me, but rather gauging a successful life on the faithfulness of God and the reliability of Jesus. I’m not sure why things happen, but I am sure that God has a plan for me and I will be faithful to that plan while encouraging others to the kingdom of Heaven along the way