I started off by first making that transition with goku and vegeta by using a tiktok template back in 2020 or i think even 2019, because back then I would draw a lot and I was getting creative. Then I was making call of duty videos because I met a lot of friends on that game and streamers I saw this miles morales trend with empire state of mind that just kept making miles morales videos from there. This kept me entertained in quarantine and I picked up some views after making this original idea that i stuck with for a long time, and experienced many videos with bad views and after a while I started to get more creative with editing. I loved everyones feedback and would like and reply almost every single comment, which i still try to do. I’ve met so many people that i have learned from in so many different ways and I couldnt be more thankful. Im so proud of my benefit from others and always tried to have others benefit from me and help out as much as i can. i know im not good with a good amount of people too but that happens since people grow and change. This app really did change my life as my whole career path and creativity has been lit up by that one miles morales video 4 - 5 whole years ago. Thank you everyone