Activists have branded hundreds of Teslas as ‘Swasticars’ in London, as recent YouGov polling shows 71% of the British public have an unfavourable view of Elon Musk. “Don’t buy swasticars” stickers depicting Elon Musk as Hitler, referring to the salute he performed at Donald Trump’s inauguration, have appeared on Teslas across London today. The People vs Elon campaign, launched on Sunday, is already projected to raise more than £50,000 for anti-racist and anti-fascist causes. Last week, UK activists turned each tweet Musk posted into donations, where donors pledge as little as 1p per tweet. The money is donated evenly between organisations such as Everyday Racism, Rainbow Migration and Women for Refugee Women. Elon Musk is reportedly furious people keep calling Tesla cars “swasticars”.