🤍Long post, but worth reading and watching!! 🤍I do not own the rights to this music. The last scripture you sent me John 14:1-4 has become more alive over this last year than any other. I realize that God had you leave me that reassurance that He is preparing a place for us all and will be back to get us very soon and He knew I would need to be reminded of that often while down here waiting! Thank you so much for listening to Him and giving me His word to hold onto still 10 years later!! 10 years ago this morning so many lives were forever changed and we lost one of the best people I have ever met on this earth! Even though it’s been 10 years it still feels like yesterday also. I will be forever grateful for the love you gave me and our children and the way you showed us all to love! I didn’t think I was going to make it 10 minutes, 10 hours, 10 days, 10 months, but you have helped me through the last 10 years. Thank you! 🤍 The little things that are really the BIG things: 1. He would send me sweet loving texts and scriptures EVERY morning before I woke up. 2. He would tell me he loved me and kiss me goodbye EVERY morning between 12:30 and 2:30am. 3. He would make me coffee EVERY morning and even put creamer in my cup and set it in the fridge so all I had to do is grab my cup and fill it with coffee. (my coffee still doesn’t taste right) 4. He would call me after I got up and say “I just wanted to hear your voice, it makes my day better” 5. I would call him on my to work EVERY morning at 7:30 and he would talk to me until I got to work. 6. He was always sending me random pictures and texts and calling all through the day. 7. He would stop by my work when he got off and bring me something to drink or just stop by to kiss me. 8. He picked up our babies EVERY day and played with them, took them swimming, took them to visit Nanny. 9. He never wanted me to go home to an empty house, so no matter what he was doing he would make sure he was home when I got there. 10. He ALWAYS thought of me and our children and was so selfless of himself. It didn’t matter how much you told him not to or do something for himself he wouldn’t listen. 11. He was always rearranging the house or organizing, fixing things, making sure the kids were taken care of all the while he worked full time and coached 2 softball teams, volunteered at church and still ALWAYS made time for me and our kids. 12. He was the BEST person to go on trips with. We had more fun on the few trips we took together then either of us EVER had before. 13. He ALWAYS made me laugh and smile. 14. He refused to go to sleep without wearing his wedding ring. 15. He refused to go to sleep without kissing me goodnight. 16. We would take turns praying together EVERY night. 17. We would tuck the kiddos in bed and Pray with them EVERY night. 18. If we ever went somewhere and I got cold he had already thought ahead and brought a blanket or he would just take his top shirt off and put it on me, then wrap his arms around me to keep me warm. 19. He would get me the BEST presents no matter if it were Christmas, Valentines, Mother’s Day or Birthday. He had amazing taste and a romantic heart that was so thoughtful in his gifts. He had heard me say one time that I always wanted one of those HUGE stuffed bears since I was a little kid you know the ones that are as big as a person and so guess what for Valentine’s Day one of my gifts was just that. 20. He loved all our children as if they were all his very own. 21. We would wrestle around ALL the time……he said he wasn’t ticklish, but he was. I could always get him and make him laugh and smile. (oh that amazing sexy smile) 22. He would get dressed after I would so that he could somewhat match me. Either with similar colors or like we had bought shirts from White Water Bay when we went together, they weren’t the same color but if I wore mine he would wear his. If I wore khaki shorts he would, if I dressed up he would and find a shirt to go with what I had on. 23. He wou