All socials are @seannaltman if you want to follow my fashion journey! If this is goodbye to TikTok I just wanna say thank you to everyone who has followed me and my journey on this app! You made my dreams come true and gave me a place to express myself! I would not be the person I am today or have the confidence I have today without my start here on TikTok! Thank you for letting me be myself on this app and for uplifting me and my creativity! I love you all! If you want to continue to follow my journey then you know where to find me, and if not then I still thank you for your support! I will recreate strawberry cow eventually! But with the ban and everything going on I’m a bit overwhelmed tbh. I tried to make this video light hearted but truthfully I’m really emotional and honestly in denial about the likely ban is of this beloved app! I grew so much as a person in this app and really came to terms with who I am thanks to all of you. Moving forward I just hope I can continue to inspire you and the world to be yourself. Shout out to @ssly for the DTI recreation it was so good! And I am extremely flattered! 🐮 🍓
#strawberrycow #jubilee #fashioncreator #goodbyetiktok