So me and my girlfriend have didferent love languages and while i do my best to show her that i love her throughout my actions (bc i believe talk is just talk), she is more appreciative of the kind words and open expressions of my love for her. I am stull struggling with this but the biggest thing is to try. If youre anything like me, its more so a mind thing. You have to be very open and vulnerable and im currently back tracking to figure out why i think and act rhe way i do with these toe of things so she is now able to recieve a word of love and reassurance everyday . [sn: theres a bunch of these papers they just kept folding into one another at the end is a notebook that wild write in everyday she does anything that stabds out or means alot to me .. "sweeps me of my feet", etc. To let her know the ways she continues to make me feel and let her know that these bever go unnoticed. Hope this helps someone