🤣😭 All jokes aside, as my maternity leave ends today I am so so grateful for every last second spent together the last 5.5 months 🥺 From delivering him, bringing him home, all the late nights, the tears and troubles we had feeding to being able to exclusively breastfeed, the smiles and that first unswaddle stretch, the four month sleep regression 😅, his first full belly laugh that actually happened TODAY! I just cry thinking of all we’ve learned and done and what is to come, together. 🤍 I feel so very fortunate I work for a company that I am excited to go back to tomorrow and for the time off I got to have. I know many moms who didn’t get the same and it breaks my heart. As we enter this next chapter still navigating so much newness, I thank Jesus for choosing me to be this boy’s mama!!!! I couldn’t imagine it any other way! Cheers to the stay at home moms, the working moms, the single moms, the do it all moms. I see you and you’re doing amazing!!!!! 🫶🏼