Too many people pretend that they want to learn Spanish. They go back on their word which is a huge problem because you are not holding yourself accountable. If you lie to yourself then that shows a lack of discipline and without that, you will NOT learn Spanish. Simply because you must be practicing and studying Spanish regularly. Without accountability or discipline, this consistency literally goes out the window! First ask yourself if you are serious with Spanish, then we can help. If you are not serious than we can NOT help you! NOBODY ever learned a language without making it a priority and putting in regular and consistent work! We are here to help, that’s what do! We just can’t help those that don’t help themselves! Don’t lie to yourself and don’t lie to us! If you’re serious about becoming conversational in Spanish through 1-to-1 coaching, send us a private message saying “COACH”
#yospanish #speakspanish #learnspanish