One of the first things I uploaded to our Patreon this morning is the original 1776 Commission Report. This document outlines their new dogma and the significant distortion of the American Revolution, the Patriots, and the Founding Era. It's essential reading for us to start having informed discussions about these changes. In my grad classes, we dive into this report alongside the 1619 Project to critically assess public history efforts. The 1776 Commission was created in direct response to the 1619 Project's appeal, and now things have escalated. "Patriotic education principles" are being imposed on K-12 teachers and at national parks, battlefields, monuments, museums, and other key historical sites. Honest history is being labeled as "anti-American," and there's a surge of "discriminatory equity ideology" that's clouding true historical discourse. We're stepping up our efforts to support those committed to honest public history and holding accountable anyone collaborating with these misleading principles. By building our online community across the digital ecosystem, we can create a strong network of like-minded individuals dedicated to preserving and promoting the truth.
#HonestHistory #publichistory #accountability #patriotmyth #howrevolutionary #1776commission #taskforce250 #1619project