After a long 8 months of physical therapy for my ruptured achilles, I finally graduated today. I couldn’t have done it without the support of my pts working with me 3 days a week and the love and support from my family and friends. It’s one of those things you don’t truly understand until you go through it yourself. I’m so thankful to have recovered and for my body’s ability to heal and work again. This journey has taught me more than I could imagine but mostly to appreciate my body more than ever—for all it endures and everything it allows me to do. It’s all a test. A challenge to overcome. This stuff hurts the most in the beginning, and it’s easy to feel sorry for yourself and want to quit. But then you stop, reset, adjust, adapt, and rise to the challenge. At the end of your life, your body should be beat up with all sorts of injuries and scars—that just means you used it—which we are meant to do. Life is an experience. There’s so much to enjoy and appreciate, even in the pain and suffering we inevitably face. ❤️
#achillies #achilliesrupture #achilliesrehab #achilliesrecovery #achilliessurgery #physicaltherapy