2024 had a lot of hardships, but it also had a lot of highlights. Around April of this year, my socials unexpectedly gained a lot of traction. A few halfhearted reels later and I went from under 10K followers to 135K. Becoming a “content creator” was never part of my plan or something I envisioned for myself—but here I am. I am SO beyond thankful and grateful for the opportunities, brand deals, affiliates, and sponsorships I’ve been fortunate enough to receive. I never expected any of it, and it still seems unreal today when I am presented with another opportunity. I suffered two tragic, great losses this year, but I’ve also been granted a lot of gains. While this was one of my hardest, as I look back, there was also a lot of good. I met new friends and new people, learned new things, and progressed and grew in a multitude of ways. Thank you endlessly to those who have supported me along the way - @superflypg, @macflyparamotors, @flygaggle, @skysports_usa, @cardosystems, @southernutahparamotor, + countless others including family, friends, and the flying community. The vocabulary of the English language will never suffice to supply me with words that truly equate my gratitude. . . .
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