Aecel Foster is a character incredibly personal to me, created from my real life to tell my story, and I've used him over the years to share my journey in a very personal way through cosplay and film. He embodies my lived experiences, things I've struggled with, things I've overcome, and this triumphant CMV at the end of this story arc is my favorite project I've ever done, and the one I'm most proud of. A lot of people came together to make this happen, from my siblings helping me film and playing my other characters as doubles, to my friends helping me plan and choreograph shots and tweak things to make sure it was just as we imagined. I want to thank everyone once again for making that possible. Thanks to Jesse Ridgway of @McJuggerNuggets for inspiring me to start telling my own stories and filming my own projects. It's helped me in ways I didn't know were possible, and I'll always be a Juggie for that. 🦅 And lastly, thank you all for nearly a decade of cosplay, storytelling, film projects, jokes, memes, and genuine connection on this app. I'll never forget it. 💖
#aecelsbattlecry #aecelfoster #occosplay #maxr #finale #goodbyetiktok #tiktokban