I am so sorry. I’m sorry for my dry lips and ugly cry I try to be so strong but I am only human. I know it’s not my job to fix everything but I still feel bad. Last night I had an amazing opportunity to speak up against Trump and his transgender policies. All my life I’ve been the type to stay quiet and let things be but over the years I’ve grown a voice and now I’m realizing just how powerful a voice can be. Being misunderstood is one of the most frustrating things especially when it starts affecting your everyday life. I just wanted to come on here and say thank you to everyone that’s supported me, to anyone who learned to support me and maybe didn’t in the beginning. I love all of you. And as a team trans people as well as our ally’s will work together to make things right ❤️
#trans #transmen #equalrights #advocate #allys #equalopportunity